Do Rudbeckia Come Back Every Year?

Rudbeckia is a diverse genus of flowering plants boasting more than 100 species. These plants are native to North America and are renowned for their vibrant yellow, orange, or brown-hued flowers.

Rudbeckias are cherished in gardens and can be cultivated as annuals, biennials, or perennials. In this article, we will give information on “Do Rudbeckia Come Back Every Year”, regeneration tips, and other information. Let’s get started.

Annual Rudbeckias

Annual rudbeckias have a single growing season and are typically grown from seeds, blooming during the summer. Some popular annual rudbeckias include:

  • Rudbeckia hirta – Commonly known as black-eyed Susan, it’s a short-lived perennial often treated as an annual, featuring bright yellow flowers with a dark brown center.
  • Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii – Also called goldenglow, it’s a tall annual rudbeckia with bright yellow flowers.
  • Rudbeckia hirta ‘Cherry Brandy’ – This dwarf annual rudbeckia showcases deep red flowers.

Biennial Rudbeckias

Biennial rudbeckias complete their life cycle over two years, growing vegetatively in the first year and flowering in the second year. Some popular biennial rudbeckias include:

  • Rudbeckia maxima – Known as giant coneflower, it’s a large biennial rudbeckia with bright yellow flowers.
  • Rudbeckia hirta ‘Irish Eyes’ – A dwarf biennial rudbeckia with yellow flowers and a dark brown center.
  • Rudbeckia triloba – A small biennial rudbeckia with yellow flowers featuring a dark brown center.

Perennial Rudbeckias

Perennial rudbeckias persist for more than two years and are typically hardy in zones 3-9, returning year after year. Some popular perennial rudbeckias include:

  • Rudbeckia fulgida – Also known as coneflower, it’s a tall perennial rudbeckia adorned with bright yellow flowers.
  • Rudbeckia nitida – A medium-sized perennial rudbeckia featuring yellow flowers with a dark brown center.
  • Rudbeckia subtomentosa – Commonly referred to as brown-eyed Susan, it’s a short-lived perennial rudbeckia with brown flowers sporting a yellow center.

How to Ensure Rudbeckia Returns Every Year

The ability of your rudbeckia to return each year depends on the variety. Annual rudbeckias won’t return, but biennial and perennial types can be encouraged to do so by providing them with the proper conditions. Here are some tips:

  1. Plant rudbeckias in full sun.
  2. Amend the soil with compost or manure before planting.
  3. Water rudbeckias regularly, especially during their first year.
  4. Mulch around the plants to retain moisture.
  5. Deadhead spent flowers to promote additional blooms.
  6. Divide rudbeckias every few years to maintain their health and vigor.

With proper care, your rudbeckias should return year after year, gracing your garden with their cheerful blooms.

Additional Information

  • Rudbeckias are deer-resistant and attract butterflies and other pollinators.
  • They are relatively low-maintenance plants.
  • Rudbeckias can be propagated through seeds, division, or cuttings.
  • Some rudbeckia species possess medicinal properties.

Regenerating Rudbeckia: Methods and Tips

Rudbeckia plants can be regenerated through various methods, including seed germination, division, and cuttings. Each method has its own requirements and benefits.

Seed Germination:

  • Seed germination is the most common method for propagating Rudbeckia plants.
  • To start from seeds, sow them in either spring or fall. However, they need a period of cold treatment, known as stratification, for about 3 months at 40°F (4°C) before sowing.
  • Stratification can be achieved by placing seeds in a damp paper towel inside a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
  • Once stratified, plant the seeds in well-prepared soil, and they should germinate in a few weeks.


  • Division is another effective way to regenerate Rudbeckia plants and maintain their vigor.
  • Divide Rudbeckias in either the spring or fall when the plant is not actively flowering.
  • Carefully dig up the mature plant, and then use a sharp knife or spade to separate it into smaller clumps. Each clump should have at least 3-4 roots.
  • Replant these divisions in well-draining soil and provide proper care.


  • Taking cuttings is a propagation method that can be used for Rudbeckia regeneration as well.
  • Cut a 4-6 inch piece of stem from a healthy Rudbeckia plant.
  • Remove the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting.
  • Dip the cutting in rooting hormone to encourage root development.
  • Plant the cutting in a pot filled with well-draining potting mix and keep it consistently moist.
  • Place the pot in a warm, sunny location to facilitate rooting, which usually takes 4-6 weeks.

Additional Tips for Rudbeckia Regeneration:

  • Always choose a healthy plant as the source for cuttings or divisions.
  • Ensure that cuttings have at least 3-4 leaves for the best chances of success.
  • Dip cuttings in rooting hormone before planting to promote root development.
  • Maintain consistent moisture in the potting mix, but avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot.
  • Place the pots or divisions in a warm, sunny location to encourage growth.

Be patient during the regeneration process, as it may take some time for Rudbeckia to establish and thrive. Once they do, provide them with the appropriate care, including full sun exposure, regular watering (especially in the first year), mulching for moisture retention, and deadheading spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming. Periodic division will also help to maintain the health and vigor of your Rudbeckia plants, ensuring their longevity in your garden.


What is Rudbeckia?

Rudbeckia is a genus of flowering plants native to North America, celebrated for their vibrant and diverse flowers. They encompass several species, including annuals, biennials, and perennials.

Do Rudbeckia plants return every year?

Annual Rudbeckias have a single growing season and do not return. However, biennial and perennial Rudbeckias can flourish year after year with proper care.

How should I care for Rudbeckia plants?

To nurture Rudbeckia plants, plant them in full sun, enrich the soil with compost, maintain regular watering, and use mulch to retain moisture. Regularly removing spent flowers and periodic division can also promote their well-being.

What are some well-known Rudbeckia species?

Prominent Rudbeckia species include Rudbeckia hirta (black-eyed Susan), Rudbeckia fulgida (coneflower), and Rudbeckia triloba. These species offer various cultivars and a spectrum of colors.

 Are Rudbeckias resistant to deer?

Yes, Rudbeckias are recognized for their deer-resistant qualities, making them an excellent choice for gardens located in areas with deer populations.


Rudbeckias are a versatile and beautiful addition to any garden. Whether you opt for annual, biennial, or perennial varieties, you can look forward to enjoying their vibrant flowers for many years to come. If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. In this article, we have given information on “Do Rudbeckia Come Back Every Year”, regeneration tips, and other information.

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